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Jayma Reed – Good Mormon Girl Gone South

Posted in , by billywatson


Jayma Reed.

What a nut! And we mean that in a very good way, of course.

All Mormons are pretty nutty, aren’t that?

And we mean that in a very good way, of course. You know the old saying about dating Mormon girls, right? When you’re out with this LDS girl, treat her with respect and courtesy, keep your hands to yourself, get her home early, and don’t try anything that you wouldn’t do if her father were watching.

Uh huh.

We all know this is boring. So does Jayma. That’s why she’s on set at The Dick Suckers, doing all sorts of naughty, naughty things.

See what happens when you repress a person’s sexual power?

And there’s a guy names Face Blaster hanging around?


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